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Coping mechanisms for depression

The challenge that depression poses is that it affects our energy levels and motivation, which makes it hard for us to even do something about it. Here are some ways in which you can cope with the challenges of depression without being overwhelmed:

  • Make small goals

    Whether it is exercise or recreation, make smaller achievable goals that you will be able to accomplish despite low energy levels. Start slow, take up one or two tasks per day. Break goals down into subgoals by dividing chores across the day. Take a 5-10 minute walk every day instead of the usual twenty minutes. Read two pages instead of twenty.

  • Stay connected

    You may feel like isolating yourself but doing so can worsen your symptoms. Reach out and talk to a friend. You don’t need to talk about how you’re feeling if you don’t want to; just call a friend and keep in touch.

  • Ask for help

    Depression can be a lonely and limiting experience. Ask for help when you feel like you need it; whether it is a cooked meal from a friend or an extension of a deadline at work. And when you feel like how you feel is beyond your control, email or call Mann Talks, so you can reach out to a mental health professional today. There is no need to be ashamed; reaching out and seeking help is the best thing you can do for yourself.