(9 AM - 8 PM)
8686 139 139
Free and confidential mental health support 8686 139 139

Introduction to Mental Health

Mental health means our current well being in emotional, social, psychological and behavioral states of our mind. It helps in our daily functioning along with managing stresses and responding to the world effectively.

Our mental health is defined by our:

  • Thoughts and emotions
  • Daily functioning
  • Productivity or motivation levels
  • Relationships and social interactions
  • Ability to cope with stress
  • Contribution to society

Our mental health exists on a spectrum; it’s dynamic, and changes according to how our surroundings change. We tend to be located at different points on the mental health spectrum, depending on our circumstances.

India is facing a serious mental health crisis with over 70 million individuals suffering from depression and anxiety.

The rampant social stigma towards mental health disorders and inadequate public funding for mental healthcare disproportionately impacts those from marginalized communities. Access to mental healthcare is bleak and there is a significant gap between the number of trained mental health professionals and the number of citizens requiring mental healthcare.

Furthermore, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important now than ever before to address mental health issues in the country.

We all experience emotional distress at some point in our lives. Experiencing emotional distress is a universal experience. If you find yourself dealing with it, you are not alone. If you are feeling distressed, reach out to the Mann Talks helpline and get help today.

You are the best judge of your own mental health. If you are not feeling a 100%, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I able to cope with the stress of my life?
  • Am I able to carry out my daily functions?
  • Am I having trouble engaging with others?
  • Where have I been on the spectrum of mental health lately?

Answering these questions for yourself will help you figure out if you are experiencing some form of distress.

It is natural for our mental health to dip in response to our environment. You may want to seek help if signs of emotional distress persist for more than two weeks; or there has been a significant change in the environment like bereavement or a traumatic event.