(9 AM - 8 PM)
8686 139 139
Free and confidential mental health support 8686 139 139


What is the difference between Mann Talks and a volunteer driven helpline?

A voulnteer driven helpline, selects people from varied backgrounds, chosen for their ability to listen with empathy and understand, who are then provided basic training for different durations, depending on the organization.

In comparison, Mann Talks only hires mental health professionals who have an academic background in Counselling or Clinical Psychology and work full-time with the organization.

Will the helpline tell my family about the things I share?

No, as per Mann Talk’s confidentiality protocol we don’t share any details of the conversation with anyone without your consent. Only exception is, if there is a threat to your life or someone else’s, we may need to inform someone who can help you stay safe. Which will be done after informing you.

Can I call the helpline even if I’m not directly impacted but someone I care about is?

Yes, absolutely. Often you may find yourself in scenarios where you wish to help a loved one, but are unsure of how to go about it. You can reach out to us to understand how you can support your loved one, or you can pass on our helpline details and website information so they can access these resources directly. There are also certain scenarios where there are limitations to how much you could help the other person, often resulting in a lot of frustration due to the helplessness. In such cases as well, talking to a professional can help you process these feelings.

Please also visit our section Help Someone and Caring for yourself to learn more about how you can support yourself and your loved ones. You can also visit our Instagram page, @mann.talks where we post regularly about caring for yourself and your loved ones.

If I share my number with Mann Talks on any social medial platform, will you call me back?

No, the Mann Talks Helpline will only respond to inbound calls on our number. The only time our mental health professionals make outbound calls is in case of specified emergencies, and with prior consent from the client.

How does telephonic counselling work?

Telephonic counselling refers to any type of psychological service performed over a telephone. On this helpline, we provide psychosocial counselling or therapy over a telephonic conversation. Follow-up sessions also take place over a call. The Mann Talks Helpline will only respond to inbound calls on our number.

Can I talk to Mann Talks professionals through e-mails, WhatsApp messages/calls or Instagram messages/calls?

Apart from the Helpline, our mental health professionals  offer psychological support via e-mails (counselling@manntalks.org). However, we do not offer this service via WhatsApp or on any social media platform.

Can I book an appointment with Mann Talks?

No, given this is a helpline, we don’t have an appointment based system. You can call us directly on 8686 139 139 within our working hours and you will be able to speak to one of our trained mental health professionals.

Can I talk to the same mental health professional every time I call?

Due to the helpline’s automated system, callers are randomly connected to available counsellors. If a call gets disconnected in between and one calls back immediately, there is provision to be reconnected to the same counsellor if they are available. We can assure that all counsellors have received the same kind of training and that they all provide an empathetic, non-judgemental space to anyone seeking counselling.

What are the qualifications of the mental health professionals at Mann Talks?

At Mann Talks, we ensure that every mental health professional we onboard to support your needs, at the minimum, possess an undergraduate academic background in psychology, hold a Master’s in Counselling or Clinical Psychology or a P.G. Diploma in Counselling Psychology.

How does email counselling work?

It is a mode of counselling where you can write to us at counselling@manntalks.org with concerns impacting your mental well-being and one of our trained mental health professionals will write back to you with appropriate questions, reflections, strategies, or resources.

How long till I get a response from you?

Since this not a chat feature, you will not receive responses in real time. You can expect a response from one of our counsellors within 2 working days of the email being received by us. If you don’t receive a response email from us by the mentioned time, please check your SPAM folder before following up. We understand that the act of writing to us might provide a sense of release and help you take an active step towards helping yourself. However, keeping in mind the response timeline in this mode of counselling, if you require urgent help, we suggest reaching out to our Helpline at 8686139139 between 9 AM and 8 PM.

What can I talk about in an email?

You can write to us about any issue which is causing you emotional distress and affecting your mental health. It can be about managing your daily needs, work or academic challenges, disturbances in relationships and so on.

How do you counsel on email?

Counselling via email would involve some exploratory questions at first, to help you and the counsellors arrive at a clearer understanding of your concerns. Based on this clarity, we will agree on some goals to move forward with. We might discuss skills or strategies that can be used to tackle the concerns at hand or share resources (e.g., readings, videos, worksheets) and referrals of other professionals that we think might be relevant. Counselling, however, is not a linear process and we might have times where we go back to exploring and gaining insight about concerns and identifying goals.

What will you do with my email address?

Counselling services provided by Mann Talks are confidential and we have utmost respect for your privacy as well. Therefore, your email address would only be used by us to respond to you and your emails will be received and stored on a secure platform that only the counselling team will have access to. In situations where safety (yours/others) is a concern, we may ask you for additional information (e.g., phone number of a safe person, location etc.) that we can share with necessary authorities, if the need arises. We understand it can be difficult at first to write to an unfamiliar person about your concerns and we respect the effort it takes to reach out despite that.

I have been calling the helpline. Can I now get support on email?

Yes, you can switch to email if you have been calling on the helpline in the past. Once you share basic details on email, you may not need to share your past conversations again because the counsellors will have access to notes from your past sessions.

How many emails can I send in one day?

You can do this as per your discretion. But we’d request you not to send more than one reply in a day. On certain occasions, if you need additional support, you can respond more often. Kindly note that this is not an instant response portal but an email service. Once we receive your email, we will respond in 2 working days.

Can I send pictures of my prescriptions to get help from you?

Email counselling is a service for supporting your emotional and psychological well being provided by a team of Psychologists. For medical consultation, it is important to visit a Psychiatrist. We can surely help you with providing any referral that we may have for the same. Please refer to the Code of Conduct on our website for more information.

Do you offer diagnosis over email?

No. We don’t offer diagnosis at Mann talks. But we can help you with a referral if you are looking for testing and diagnosis.

Can I email the same counsellor every time? / Do I get to choose which counsellor I will be emailing?

The emails get assigned to counsellors randomly and based on availability to ensure timely responses. So, your email may or may not be responded to by the same counsellor every time. Every counsellor, before responding, will make sure to go through the previous emails to have a clear idea of the concerns shared.

Who will read my emails?

The emails will be read and answered by qualified and trained counsellors. All our counsellors hold either a Master’s in Counselling or Clinical Psychology, or a P.G. Diploma in Counselling Psychology. They also receive continuous training to maintain and improve the quality of services provided.

Which languages are available on email counselling?

Currently, we provide this service in English language only.

Who are the different kinds of mental health professionals?

Different kinds of mental health professionals vary in the kind of services they offer:
Psychiatrists are trained medical doctors, having an MBBS degree and psychiatry as their post-graduate specialization. They can prescribe medication, provide formal evaluation/diagnosis for different mental health disorders. Some may offer psychotherapy.

Psychologists are trained professionals with a Masters degree/PhD in Counselling/Clinical Psychology. They can offer counselling and psychotherapy for psychological and behavioral concerns, emotional distress and mental health conditions. They do not prescribe medication. Licensed clinical psychologists are trained in diagnosis and clinical therapy techniques.

How do I decide which kind of mental health professional I should reach out to?

Depending on the severity of the concern, you can decide which one of the different specialized professionals you may want to reach out to:

Counseling psychologists deal with day-to-day concerns, and providing emotional support, through different strategies.

Clinical psychologists are trained in catering to formally classified mental health disorders, using a therapeutic approach.

Psychiatrists are trained in diagnosing the client with a formal diagnosis as well as providing supplementary medication that may be required in conjunction with therapy.

Furthermore, depending on the nature of concern, one can research the areas that a professional specializes in and then reach out to them – i.e relationship concerns, parenting concerns – these different umbrellas can help in finding a suitable subset of professionals as well.

What kind of help can I get from mental health professionals?

Depending on the specialization and qualifications, mental health professionals can help in different ways, such as assessment and diagnosis, provision of therapy and prescription of medication. At Mann Talks, we are a team of qualified Counselling Psychologists. We help you better understand and manage any distress you might be experiencing, by exploring ways in which the issues could be resolved, as well as, learning to cope with the thoughts, feelings and behaviors. At Mann Talks, our trained mental health professionals offer emotional (understanding concerns) and psychosocial support (addressing mental health and social challenges). Further, depending on your needs and concerns, counsellors conduct goal-oriented sessions.

How do I know if my counsellor is doing a good job?

If your counsellor is doing a good job, then during your conversation you will be informed of your rights as a client. You will feel that the counsellor is genuinely attentive and is validating your difficulties and efforts. The counsellor will work with you to think of solutions if needed and they will be able to provide you with research-based information and strategies. You will have a safe space to share what you need to and not feel judged. After the call / email exchange, if the counsellor did a good job – you might have some clarity about what to do next or at least feel comparatively lighter or better than earlier.

Do all mental health professional prescribe medication?

No, only Psychiatrists are allowed to prescribe medication for mental health disorders.

Is the mental health professional my friend?

No, the mental health professional is not your friend even though mutual understanding, compassion and empathy are essential elements of a therapeutic relationship. Nonetheless, it is a professional alliance. Mental health interventions require a collaborative association between the therapist and client, that operates within professional and ethical boundaries of the discipline.

Who funds Mann Talks?/ How is Mann Talks funded?

As of today, Mann Talks is solely funded by the Shantilal Shanghvi Foundation, family foundation of Mr. Dilip Shanghvi, Founder and MD of Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited.

How do I provide my feedback for Mann Talks?

Our counsellors will connect you to IVR immediately post the call where you can confidentially leave your feedback on a scale of 1 to 5. You can also email your feedback to us in case you’re availing the email counselling services. However, if you would like to reach out to us with more feedback please check our feedback page.

Can I use Mann Talks content (text, illustrations, etc.) for non-commercial purposes?

No, however, if you like to use any of our material please write to us at contact@manntalks.org to request prior permission stating the purpose. If approved, it would be essential to cite our work where used.

I get panic attacks due to COVID-19 stress, how should I calm down?

It is natural to get panic attacks in a situation that is unfamiliar to everyone, combined with the uncertainty of a global pandemic and its prognosis. For specific strategies, it is suggested to use the support of a mental health professional. However, in general, you can use different breathing exercises and ensure that you are drinking plenty water to reduce the impact of the panic attack. Moreover, it is useful to practice mindfulness in day to day life to manage thoughts regarding past and future concerns. Limiting exposure to news can also help prevent panic attacks.

Please visit our Panic Attacks section to learn more about the symptoms of a panic attack, how to calm down during a panic attack and how to help someone experiencing a panic attack.

You can also follow us on Instagram page, @mann.talks to access guides and many grounding exercises that you can practice in day to day life.

What is an anxiety attack?

An anxiety attack is a sudden episode of intense panic or fear and can last for few minutes to hours. A person may experience it in a challenging situation or based on a perceived threat. Its physical symptoms may include restlessness, heart palpitations, muscle tension, sweating, and physical discomfort like chest pain. Someone having an anxiety attack may experience chills, excessive worry, nervousness, uncontrollable anxiety or fear, emotional numbness, or hypervigilance. Further, they may find it difficult to respond well to any stimulus in the environment while having an attack. However, anxiety may manifest differently for each individual and experiences may vary. In case you would like to discuss your experiences, reach out to Mann Talks to connect with an expert.

Do I have anxiety?

Stress is an integral part of our body’s natural process. Sometimes, though, we may find that that feelings of stress, worry, fear or uneasiness persist for a longer period—they begin to significantly interfere with our daily life. The feelings may disappear for some time but come back and disrupt our lives again. In a situation like this, if such feelings have been persisting for over two weeks, it may be worth using a checklist to explore whether we are experiencing symptoms of anxiety.

If you feel you may be experiencing symptoms of anxiety, fill this screening checklist to evaluate yourself and get a better perspective. Please note that the results of this screening checklist is not a pyschiatric diagnosis but is a guide towards your next steps. Please speak with a mental health professional if you have any concerns about your psychological health.

I feel constantly worried about my health/ family’s health. How do I deal with that?

It is natural to feel worried about loved ones’ health. Recognize that and allow yourself to feel it, and know that many others are with you in this feeling. Then, make sure that you are adhering to all the precautions given by the government to help maintain maximum safety, which may alleviate some concern in knowing that you are doing all that you can. Keep in touch with your general physician with regular updates about family members, and try not to browse the Internet to self-diagnose. Try to distract yourself by engaging in a common shared activity with your family that provides some joy to all of you collectively.

Please visit our section Help Someone and Caring for yourself to learn more about how you can support yourself and your family members. You can also visit our Instagram page, @mann.talks where we post regularly about caring for yourself and your family members.

How can I handle anxiety without medication?

It is important to seek help from a mental health professional to deal with the anxiety in a lasting manner. However, on your own, the following can help:

Anxiety is often rooted in thinking and worrying about the future. Therefore, trying to focus on the present moment helps keeping anxious thoughts at bay. Activities like mindful walking, meditation can help you stay in the present moment and reduce stress on a daily basis. Introspecting and acknowledging that there are things outside of your control and learning to accept such situations can help us feel better.

When you are already feeling anxious, experiencing physiological symptoms and having difficulty gaining control on the train of thoughts, focusing on your body is the easiest way to return to the present moment. In such situations, drinking some water, belly breathing, 5 finger breathing exercise, 5-4-3-2-1 exercise, or engaging in light physical activity may help us get to a normal/calmer state. Please visit our page panic attacks to access these exercises. You can also follow us on Instagram @mann.talks to access more grounding exercises and guides.

What can I do when meditation is not helping me to reduce my anxiety?

There are several different strategies available to cope with the effects of anxiety. If meditation does not work, a simple thing to try out might be breathing exercises. Example: Taking a slow, deep breath in through the nose counting to 4 seconds, holding the breath for another 4 seconds and then exhale through the mouth for 4 seconds.

Please reach out to Mann Talks to connect with trained mental health professionals who will support you through this. You can call us at 8686139139 between 9 AM to 8 PM, or write to us at counselling@manntalks.org on all days.

How can I tell my family/friends about my anxiety?

While it is daunting to ask for help sometimes sharing our feelings can get us more support. You can start by choosing any one person in your family/friends who you are closest to and share a recent experience where you felt anxious or worried. Sharing how you want them to help you can also be useful for them. You can always call/write to us first if you are still unsure about opening up to your loved ones.

Do I have depression?

With increasing awareness, terms like depression have become common and can sometimes be misinterpreted. However, it is important to understand that depression is a clinical mental health condition for which only a certified mental health professional, a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist, can evaluate and provide a diagnosis.

Some signs of depression are low mood, loss of interest or pleasure, changes in appetite and/or sleep, fatigue, feelings associated with self-criticism and thoughts of self-harm or suicide. But these symptoms may translate to subjective experiences and can co-occur with other mental health conditions.

If you feel you are experiencing symptoms of depression, fill this quick screening checklist to evaluate yourself and get a better perspective. Please note that the results of this screening checklist is not a pyschiatric diagnosis but is a guide towards your next steps. Please speak with a mental health professional if you have any concerns about your psychological health.

What does depression feel like?

The persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest that characterises major depression can lead to a range of behavioural and physical symptoms. These may include changes in sleep, appetite, energy level, concentration, daily behaviour or self-esteem. Depression can also be associated with thoughts of suicide. In general, depression can look different for different people and thus must be considered on an individual basis.

Do you need to take medication for depression?

Need for medication depends on the severity of the depression one is going through. While therapy helps in dealing with depression from a psychological perspective, sometimes depression can be severe enough to cause changes in levels of neurochemicals in your brain. In such cases, while counselling may still be required, it might not be enough and medication is needed to help us deal with the depression better.

Are depression and anxiety real problems?

Depression and Anxiety are real mental health issues that can impact how one feels, thinks and behaves. These can also impact other areas of ones life such as relationships, work and physical health. It could be helpful to reach out to a mental health professional or a person that one feels close to if one suspects they might be experiencing either of these mental health difficulties.

I think my loved one may be depressed. How do I help them?

Helping a loved one or friend with depression can be challenging. Here are a few things you can do: offer support/company for everyday tasks they may be struggling with, encourage taking treatment, show unconditional support, avoid minimizing their experience and most importantly take care of yourself. Feel free to call/write to us for support.

How do we collaborate with Mann Talks?

We highly appreciate individuals and organizations using their voice to advocate for mental health. In case you would like to collaborate, you can write to us at contact@manntalks.org or send us a DM on our Instagram page @mann.talks. In case you are a non-profit that wants to extend Mann Talks services to your communities, please reach out to us on any of the contact details mentioned above.

Can I donate money to Mann Talks?

As of today, Mann Talks is solely funded by the Shantilal Shanghvi Foundation, family foundation of Mr. Dilip Shanghvi, Founder and MD of Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited. We are not accepting any donations at the moment; however, we would like to stay in touch with you. Please write to us at contact@manntalks.org so that we can reach out to you when we initiate fundraising.

How can I support Mann Talks?

You can support us by spreading the word about our initiative on social media and with your friends and family.

Can Mann Talks help with promoting content from third-parties?

Please reach out to us at contact@manntalks.org or send us a DM on our Instagram page @mann.talks. We will be happy to promote relevant and professionally vetted mental health content.

How can I share information about Mann Talks to educate my family/ colleagues/ friends/ classmates?

You can use any of our donwloadable posters below to share with your friends/family/colleagues/classmates. Additionally, you can also guide them to our Wesbite : manntalks.org | Instagram page : @mann.talks | Facebook page : Mann Talks for more information on mental health and about the initiative.

How can I work at Mann Talks?

If you are a counselling psychologist, interested in working with us full time, please fill out the relevant form for the role of Junior Counsellor (0-2 years of experience) or Senior Counsellor (2+ years of experience). Please note that we hire at specific intervals in the year and may not be able to respond immediately. We will reach out to you as and when the posts open up. To receive updates on our recruitment cycles, you can follow us on Instagram.

Junior Counsellors: https://forms.gle/nmwhzwNUEGN1SXyr9

Senior Counsellors: https://forms.gle/RfcFRFnXfsVRZmG38

For any other opening suitable to your academic and professional background, you can visit our careers page to view open positions or follow us on social media for frequent hiring updates.

Can I intern/ volunteer with Mann Talks?

If you’re keen to intern or volunteer with Mann Talks, you can fill out the form link below. We will reach out to you as and when the opportunity arises.
